Musk Compares Trump Derangement Syndrome to ‘Methamphetamine And Rabies’ in New Interview

[Photo Credit: By UK Government - UK Government hosts AI Summit at Bletchley Park, CC BY 2.0,]

According to Elon Musk, who has now given an interview that will be shown in its entirety on Tuesday evening, his initial experience with someone who suffers from the so-called “Trump Derangement Syndrome” was comparable to meeting someone who was under the influence of methamphetamines and who was also infected with rabies.

Sean Hannity, a host on Fox News, was the one who conducted the interview, and President Donald Trump sat next to Musk for the conversation.

Despite the fact that Musk is a supporter of certain efforts, such as electric automobiles, Hannity expressed his surprise at the way in which leftists have turned against Musk.

“I used to be adored by the Left. Not anymore. Less so these days.” Musk said.

“There’s this whole sort of, like, you know, they call it ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome.’You don’t realize how real this is until you can’t reason with people.” he added.

“I was at a friend’s birthday party in L.A., just a birthday dinner and it was a nice, quiet dinner. And everyone was behaving normally. And I happened to mention, this was before the election, like, a month or two before, I happened to mention the president’s name.” Musk continued.

“And it was like they got shot with a dart in the jugular that contained, like, methamphetamine and rabies. Okay? And they’re, like, wah! And I’m, like, what is wrong? Guys, like, you can’t have, like, a normal conversation? They’ve become completely irrational.” he added.

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