Fox News Panel Backs Concept of Putting Trump on Mount Rushmore

[Photo Credit: By Phil Roeder from Des Moines, IA, USA - Caucus Tourism: Fox Takes Over, CC BY 2.0,]

A panel of commentators on Fox News Channel’s “Outnumbered” reportedly expressed endorsement for the notion of President Trump potentially being included on Mount Rushmore.

“Hey, if there’s room up there, I think it’d be great. I think what Donald Trump has done, and is in the process of doing, is transforming the United States of America and putting America first. And I think America loves it, and I think there’s a great case for it.” former GOP rep. Jason Chaffetz (Utah) said during a recent appearance.

Kayleigh McEnany, the former press secretary for Trump, concurred.

“Yeah, I’m fascinated by this, because that would be some sweet irony after President Joe Biden stopped the fireworks display from Mount Rushmore. So, if you did, like, the 250th anniversary of the country at Mount Rushmore with President Trump’s face, it would be epic.” she added.

Panel members proposed incorporating Trump’s visage into U.S. currency or renaming notable national landmarks in his honor.

So I don’t know if it would be even feasible at that point, but I do fully support changing Dulles Airport after President Trump. It also makes a lot of sense because you have Reagan here in D.C. with DCA, and there’s a lot of parallels between the two presidents of inheriting terrible economies, instability around the world, and then building off of that, fixing those problems and then going on to tons of success.” Fox contributor Lisa Boothe remarked.

Trump has publicly contemplated the prospect of his visage being incorporated into Mount Rushmore, stating in 2019 that he holds “a lot of respect” for the monument.

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