Voters Trust Trump Over Biden To Defend Democracy

[Screenshot, White House,]

A new poll has revealed that Joe Biden and Democrats have a major problem. For years they have insisted that they are the true defenders of American democracy and that electing Donald Trump would be the end of the American Republican.

It turns out that the public has noticed that their attempts to kick their opposition off the ballot, using the Department of Justice to imprison conservative activists while letting violent leftists go free, deploying the Department of the Interior to register their party’s voters, allowing undocumented immigrants to vote in elections, attacking the Supreme Court for saying Congress has to pass laws, and, of course, trumping up charges against former President Trump don’t fit that rhetoric.

Despite an obsession with the mobbing of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, voters in swing states see Joe Biden as a bigger threat to democracy than Donald Trump, writes Mediate.

Of the more than 3,500 individuals surveyed, 2,255 were identified as “deciders,” meaning they are the voters most likely to have an impact on the election. Voters were classified as deciders if they are between 18-25, only voted in one of the last two elections, switched parties between the last two elections, or if they remain undecided between the candidates. Voters were polled from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Between all of these swing state voters, 61% called threats to democracy an extremely important issue. Among voters identified as “deciders,” 56% agreed. Those numbers go up among voters either committed to backing Biden or Trump already with 78% of Biden voters calling threats to democracy an extremely important issue, and 71% of Trump backers agreeing.

Among all swing state voters surveyed, 44% said the former president would better handle threats to democracy while 33% said Biden would do the better job. Another 7% said they would do an “equal” job while 16% said “neither” could be trusted on the topic.

Among “deciders,” 38% backed Trump more to defend democracy while 29% backed Biden. Among this group, 23% dismissed back candidates and 10% said they’d do an “equal” job. More “deciders” prefer Trump defending democracy than Biden, but a majority also think the former president is less likely to accept the presidential election results if he loses.

The Washington Post, which conducted the poll, says that “In speeches and campaign ads, Biden points to Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, his incitement of an angry mob that ransacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and the former president’s boasts that he will use the powers of his office to punish his political enemies.

But that message may not be resonating with the voters Biden needs in order to win another term in the White House.”

The poll shows that Americans believe in their system of government and, according to the scholar who conducted the poll, “feel reassured that Congress and the court system will protect America from former president Trump’s worst excesses.”

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