Trump Hits Howard Stern For Being ‘Woke’ During Fox News Appearance

[Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

Following comments from SiriusXM host Howard Stern that he believes Trump voters are “stupid,” former President Donald Trump directed his ire at his former friend.

On Wednesday, Trump discussed his history with Stern during his pre-recorded appearance on Fox’s Gutfeld!

He had previously appeared on Stern’s program on numerous occasions prior to his decision to pursue a career in politics.

However, Stern’s “awakening” caused him to no longer hold him in high regard.

Stern garnered attention this week when he parodied Trump’s Truth Social post, in which he proclaimed, “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!” Stern then went on to detail his contempt for Trump supporters.

“[M]y theory is that famous people don’t like it when their fame is put in proper perspective, when it’s dwarfed by somebody with more fame. So, they prefer to be on the hierarchy of fame. They want to be on top. I notice a lot of these guys that’s — it’s an emotional response to the fact that you’re bigger, more well-known. Does that make sense?” Gutfeld said.

“When I watch, I know some of them. And like Howard, I was on Howard Stern Show as much as anybody. And he was great at that time, and then he went woke.” Trump continued.

“And since he’s gone woke his ratings have gone down the tubes, and he sort of went anti-Trump for a couple of reasons. But I was on his show a lot. He has a ‘best of.’ Did you ever see the ‘best of’? ‘Best of Howard Stern’? I don’t want to promote it necessarily, but… [laughter] and I was there for just about all of them, the “best of.” We had good shows. He was good. But he’s changed. And, you know, he doesn’t do the ratings anymore.” Trump added.

“No, he doesn’t. Doesn’t have to. He’s almost finished.” Gutfeld concluded.

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