Judge Cannon Blasts Anti-Trump Prosecutor During Hearing

[Photo Credit: By Sam Wheeler - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25750354]

The judge presiding over Donald Trump’s classified papers case reportedly chastised a prosecutor from special counsel Jack Smith’s office during a hearing on a proposed gag order for the former president.

“I don’t appreciate your tone,” Cannon told anti-Trump David Harbach when he appeared to get angry during a back and forth exchange about the case.

Harbach later apologized for his words.

The tense exchange occurred at a federal courthouse in Fort Pierce, where attorney Harbach argued that Cannon should prevent Trump from making further inflammatory statements about FBI agents involved in the probe.

Cannon had mentioned that the agents’ names were redacted in court records, however Harbach tried to claim that the agents were doxxed shortly after the search.

Cannon told Harbach that his behavior was inappropriate and warned that if he did not change his ways, she would have someone else argue for him.

Defense attorney Todd Blanche urged Cannon to dismiss the prosecution’s request, claiming that Trump’s comments quoted by government prosecutors were meant at President Joe Biden, not the FBI.

Cannon did not rule on prosecutors’ request for a gag order at the conclusion of the 90-minute hearing.

Instead, she stated that both sides have until Wednesday to provide new information for her to examine.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to charges concerning his handling of confidential information. No trial date has been scheduled.

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