Biden Facing Headwinds In Michigan

[The White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

It’s hard to see a path of victory for Joe Biden if he cannot hold the State of Michigan, but “Bidenomics” has become a huge anchor on the president’s reelection campaign.

The Guardian recently reported that “economically discontented young people in Michigan may play an outsized role in determining the next president, according to pollsters and economists. April polling found 19% of 18-34 years olds were most concerned about the economy, more than three times the rate of the oldest age bracket.”

The New York Post writes that despite the best efforts of Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the poll numbers are moving away from Biden.

The Mitchell Research & Communications, Inc. survey published Monday showed Trump getting 49% support compared to Biden’s 47%, with the remaining 4% of voters undecided.

The race is even tighter when a trio of third-party candidates are introduced, with Trump at 46%; Biden at 45%; independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 5%; and the Green Party’s Jill Stein and independent Cornel West each receiving 1%.

“Trump leads in the two-way race because he has solidified the Republican base better than Biden has solidified the Democratic base,” Mitchell Research President Steve Mitchell said. “Trump is getting 92% of the GOP vote compared to Biden’s 89% of the Democrats.

Biden won the Mitten State by 2.78 percentage points in 2020, while Trump defeated Hillary Clinton by 0.23 percentage points four years earlier.

One problem in the Great Lakes States comes in the form of Rashida Tlaib, and her control over the radical anti-Israel Democrats around metropolitan Detroit.

While speaking at a conference in Detroit connected to terrorism, the Detroit congresswoman labeled Joe Biden an “enabler of genocide.”

“Each year, our country, and I say our country because it is our country, sends billions of dollars to maintain an apartheid government and support the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians,” Tlaib told the People’s Conference for Palestine in Detroit on Saturday.

“It is disgraceful that the Biden administration and my colleagues in Congress continue to smear them for protesting to save lives, no matter faith or ethnicity,” she said, mentioning pro-Gaza and -Palestinian demonstrators. “It is cowardly, but we’re not gonna forget November, are we?”

She urged the crowd to draw a “red line” and not support Biden in Michigan’s general election.

[Read More: Trump Mocks Biden Campaign Meltdown]