New Prediction Model Shows Trump as Favorite to Win Presidency in 2024

[Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

According to a brand new forecast model released Wednesday by Decision Desk HQ and The Hill, the Republican Party and former President Trump are the frontrunners in the contests for the White House and both chambers of Congress, just over five months prior to Election Day.

The model projects that Trump has a 58% likelihood of securing the presidency and that he has minor advantages in the majority of the critical swing states in the presidential race.

The model indicates that Republicans are the more comfortable choice in the House and Senate.

There is an 80 percent likelihood that the Republican Party will secure the Senate majority and a 64 percent likelihood that it will maintain its House majority.

The model is derived from the framework that Decision Desk HQ employed for the 2020 and 2022 elections, with a few modifications.

According to Decision Desk HQ, the probabilities are determined by incorporating approximately 200 distinct data points, such as demographics, voter registration numbers for each party, prior election results, fundraising totals, and polling averages.

Scott Tranter, the director of data science at Decision Desk HQ, underscored that the data and projections are a snapshot in time and may undergo changes between now and Election Day.

However, the projections may exacerbate the Democratic Party’s already elevated anxiety regarding its current position as the season transitions to summer.

President Biden has consistently been shown to be behind Trump in swing states in polls, and the conflict in Gaza has exacerbated the Democrat’s challenges with young and minority voters, two critical components of the coalition that facilitated his election in 2020.

Additionally, polls indicate that voters are dissatisfied with Biden’s management of economic matters and the state of the economy.

In his criminal trial in New York, a jury could render a verdict as early as this week, and Trump is grappling with a variety of legal complications.

Nevertheless, the cases have not disrupted Trump’s ability to maintain a significant lead in surveys over Biden, both nationally and in swing states.

[READ MORE: New Poll Shows Most Democrats Approve of Replacing Biden]