In a poll issued on Wednesday, President Biden’s overall approval rating fell to 37%, a nearly all-time low for the president as
In the wake of the brutal attack on a hospital in Gaza, which has reportedly left over 500 people dead, a slew
Prior to his upcoming trip to Israel, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) denounced President Biden on Tuesday after hearing from Palestinian officials that
On Monday, former President Donald Trump issued a grave warning regarding President Joe Biden’s foreign policy, saying that Biden will “beg Iran
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) criticized Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday after his administration announced it would waive dozens of federal statutes
The Interior Department announced on Wednesday that Tommy Beaudreau, the department’s No. 2 official, will quit the Biden administration. According to the
Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) reportedly stated that he has not yet ruled out running against President Biden in the primary election of
Late Thursday evening, a federal court reportedly invalidated the Biden administration’s last-minute restrictions on a forthcoming offshore oil and gas lease sale.
Wednesday, the Biden administration reportedly implemented a major new strategic shift in border policy, granting more than 400,000 Venezuelans work permits and
This week, President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has now reportedly come under fire after it was revealed that federal prosecutors are