
Former Michigan Gubernatorial Candidate Perry Johnson Announces Intention to Run for President

[Photo Credit: Matt H.Wade Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5004719]

Perry Johnson, a Republican billionaire and former gubernatorial candidate in Michigan, is now creating a presidential campaign committee and buying Super Bowl advertising to support his likely future bid.

Johnson announced the creation of his presidential campaign committee on Thursday, paving the way for him to begin raising and spending funds.

In his announcement Johnson prominently noted that he had formerly supported former President Trump in both 2016 and 2020.

However he claimed that ‘both parties’ had failed to properly address the dire problems facing the United States.

Johnson also went on to say that he would soon be visiting Iowa, where he intends to open a campaign office in addition to planning a bus tour in the state.

Johnson previously spent heavily on his bid for Michigan Governor before he was disqualified from being on the ballot due to fraudulent petition signatures.

Perry Johnson Registrars, Inc., one of Johnson’s primary enterprises, which is involved in the certification and registration industry.

According to a statement, Johnson’s new commercial will air in numerous television media areas across Iowa, including Des Moines, Sioux City, Cedar Falls, and the Quad Cities.

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