Robert Mueller Warns About Russia Again

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0,]

In a stark warning ahead of the 2024 election, former special counsel Robert Mueller says the United States remains vulnerable to Russian interference. Mueller, who led the investigation into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election, shared his concerns in the preface to Interference: The Inside Story of Trump, Russia, and the Mueller Investigation. The book, written by Mueller’s former team members Aaron Zebley, James Quarles, and Andrew Goldstein, provides an insider’s view of the investigation.

The Guardian writes that the Russiagate prosecutor still holds major concerns about Russia meddling in our elections.

“It is … evident that Americans have not learned the lessons of Russia’s attack on our democracy in 2016,” Mueller writes in a preface to Interference: The Inside Story of Trump, Russia and the Mueller Investigation by Aaron Zebley, James Quarles and Andrew Goldstein, prosecutors who worked for Mueller from 2017 to 2019.

Mueller continues: “As we detailed in our report, the evidence was clear that the Russian government engaged in multiple, systematic attacks designed to undermine our democracy and favor one candidate over the other.”

Donald Trump a de facto Russian asset, FBI official he fired suggests

That candidate was Trump, the Republican who beat the Democrat, Hillary Clinton, for the White House.

“We were not prepared then,” Mueller writes, “and, despite many efforts of dedicated people across the government, we are not prepared now. This threat deserves the attention of every American. Russia attacked us before and will do so again.”

The book comes as Democrats have taken an almost totalitarian approach to censorship. In California, Govenror Gavin Newsom has gone so far as to try and outlaw satire.

Newsweek reported that “Newsom signed the law on Tuesday which bans digitally altered political videos. He promised to sign such a law in late July after Musk reposted a deepfake video of Vice President Kamala Harris where she appears to expose herself as an incompetent presidential candidate.”

Musk responded to the censorship by writing that “the Joker is in charge” before saying and some people still wonder why I moved X out of California.”

Cracking down on “misinformation” has become a long-running attempt by the left to attack their political opponents while allowing their own candidates to freely spread false information about conservatives.

Earlier in the month, for example, Kamala Harris was caught spreading a lie on social media, claiming that J.D. Vance said that school shootings were a “fact of life.” More recently, Democrats have continued to insist that Donald Trump claimed that there would be a “bloodbath” if he did not win in November.

He was talking about jobs in auto manufacturing, not the election.

CNN commentator Scott Jennings has claimed that the lies are designed to “radicalize” the left, which has led to multiple assassination attempts against the former president.

[Read More: Kamala Takes Lead In One Poll]