Trump Shreds ‘Low-Life’ Van Jones for Being Ungrateful

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Van Jones, CC BY-SA 2.0,]

On Sunday, former President Donald Trump expressed his anger toward CNN’s Van Jones for endorsing and supporting Vice President Kamala Harris.

He claimed that he had personally contributed more to the Democratic commentator’s criminal justice efforts than the current administration and had never received any recognition for his efforts.

On the afternoon of Sunday, the Republican nominee utilized his social media platform to express his frustration with a variety of matters concerning Harris, such as the recent endorsement of her economic agenda by Jones and other matters.

“Lightweight Political commentator Van Jones begged me, while in the Oval Office and with tears flowing from his eyes, to help get Criminal Justice Reform approved by the United States Senate.” Trump wrote.

“I got it done, with Conservative help, and this lowlife, Jones, never once called to thank me, or the others that helped, for what we had done.” he continued.

“Along with Opportunity Zones, the long term funding of HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES, and much more, I’ve done more for our black population than anyone other than, perhaps, Abraham Lincoln!!! Sorry, but that’s the way it is!!!” he added.

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