Kayleigh McEnany Claims Trump’s Team at Mar-A-Lago Celebrating Over Harris’s VP Pick

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Kayleigh McEnany, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=118886661]

Following Kamala Harris’ selection of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running companion on Tuesday, former White House press secretary and Outnumbered co-host Kayleigh McEnany claimed that many in the Trump campaign are now probably rejoicing at the news.

“This is a stunning choice. I imagine there’s a lot of cheering at Mar-A-Lago at the moment. Look, Tim Walz, he’s no one to scoff at. He unseated a six-term Republican in Congress. He won a conservative district. He began as a moderate. And then he had a radical transformation as soon as he got a trifecta in Minnesota; I think it is fair to call him a progressive in sheep’s clothing.” McEnany said during a recent episode.

“When you look at his record over the last few years, what you see are transgender surgeries for minors. Carbon electrical grid by 2040, a drivers’ licenses for illegal immigrants. In function, his abortion policy allows abortion until birth. These are policies that are far to the left of America.” she continued.

“And as John McCormick at The Wall Street Journal pointed out, Kamala Harris has to do the exact opposite of what Tim Walz did. Tim Walz became more progressive. Kamala Harris is trying to become more moderate. But Republicans are going to say, you’ve shed all your progressive policies, but yet you chose a progressive instead of the guy who outperformed Donald Trump and Joe Biden in Pennsylvania. And that man’s name is Josh Shapiro.” McEnany concluded.

Walz and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro were the finalists in Harris’s veepstakes. Shapiro was typically perceived as a more moderate candidate in comparison to Walz.

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