REPORT: Harris Vice Presidency Marred by Massive Staff Turnover

[Photo Credit: By Maryland GovPics - Climate Announcement, CC BY 2.0,]

According to a new investigative report released on Monday, the office of Vice President Kamala Harris has experienced a turnover rate exceeding 90% for the past four years.

Open the Books, a watchdog organization that reports on government expenditures, discovered that 91.5% of her staff has departed since she was sworn in.

According to the watchdog, twenty-four employees were terminated between April 2023 and March of this year.

Only four of the 47 employees who began their careers with Harris have reportedly remained with her, a shockingly low number.

The results were announced one day following the vice president’s announcement of her candidacy for the presidency. She has committed to the unification of the Democratic Party.

Following the president’s announcement that he would be withdrawing from the race, Harris shortly received Biden’s endorsement.

Harris is not being endorsed by all Democratic influencers, despite Biden’s endorsement. John Morgan, the proprietor of the Morgan & Morgan law firm and a significant Democratic donor, has declared that he will not be conducting fundraising efforts for the vice president.

Several prominent Democrats have expressed their opinions on Biden’s withdrawal without endorsing Harris.

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