Michael Cohen Claims He Will Leave Country if Trump Wins Election

[IowaPolitics.com, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

Michael Cohen, the former personal lawyer and fixer of President Donald Trump, stated on MSNBC that he will be compelled to leave the United States if his former employer wins the election, due to his fear of retribution.

Cohen provided testimony in the criminal case against Trump, his former friend and boss.

He was accused of falsifying business documents to pay hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels in order to prevent detrimental stories about him from making headlines prior to the 2016 presidential election.

The payments were allegedly executed on Trump’s behalf by Cohen.

In November 2021, he served a three-year sentence for campaign finance fraud and deception of Congress.

In a conversation with MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace, Cohen stated that “I’m out of here.” if Trump wins the election.

“I’m working on a foreign passport with a completely different name. I don’t know how it is going to work as far as dealing with my wife and my children. I certainly don’t want them moving to where I’m looking to go. But I don’t think… you saw the president of the MSNBC, General [Mark] Milley, Liz Cheney, how many people he has turned around and said that ‘these are people that I intend to go after if I have the ability to.’” he continued.

“And the worst is the Supreme Court’s recent decision that gave him immunity, presidential immunity. Now he thinks it is: ‘Not only can I do whatever I want. But I can’t even be prosecuted.’ It’s a get-out-of-jail-free card solely for the president.” Cohen added.

“So you’re out of here. Would you leave the country?” Wallace inquired.

“I have no choice,” Cohen said.

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