Trump Tells Women They Won’t Be Thinking About Abortion Anymore if He’s President

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0,]

On Monday, former President Donald Trump reportedly declared that women would “no longer be thinking about abortion” if he were to win the presidential election in November.

“I make this statement to the great women of our country,” Trump said during a recent campaign rally in the state of Indiana.

“Sadly, women are poorer than they were four years ago, much poorer; are less healthy than they were four years ago; are less safe on the streets than they were four years ago; are paying much higher prices for groceries and everything else than they were four years ago; are more stressed and depressed and unhappy than they were four years ago; and are less optimistic and confident in the future than they were four years ago.” he continued.

“I believe that. I will fix all of that and fast.” Trump promised.

“I am your protector. I want to be your protector. As president, I have to be your protector. I hope you don’t make too much of it. I hope the fake news doesn’t go, ‘Oh, he wants to be their protector.’ Well, I am. As president, I have to be your protector.” he declared.

“I will make you safe at the border, on the sidewalks of your now violent cities, in the suburbs where you are under migrant criminal siege, and with our military protecting you from foreign enemies, of which we have many today because of the incompetent leadership that we have.” he added.

“You will no longer be abandoned, lonely, or scared. You will no longer be in danger. You’re not going to be in danger any longer. You will no longer have anxiety from all of the problems our country has today. You will be protected, and I will be your protector. Women will be happy, healthy, confident, and free. You will no longer be thinking about abortion!” Trump concluded.

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