Former Clinton Advisor Slams Kamala For Snubbing Famous Catholic Dinner

[Photo Credit: By Maryland GovPics - Bowie State HUD Announcement, CC BY 2.0,]

Mark Penn, a former Clinton strategist and pollster, reportedly stated on Monday evening that Vice President Kamala Harris’s refusal to attend a Catholic charity dinner that presidential nominees from both major political parties have traditionally attended during election years was a “bad” look for her campaign.

On Monday, Trump expressed his enthusiasm for attending the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner on October 17, while Harris’ staff announced late last week that she would not be attending.

“I think her positioning that Donald Trump is unacceptable and a threat to democracy means it’s very hard for her to go to a forum and just joke with him, because I think that gives him kind of the respect of a colleague running for president that she doesn’t want to give him,” Penn during his recent appearance on Fox News’ “Special Report” with Bret Baier.

“I think it’s a bad thing that she’s not going, and I think Trump’s decision on the debate basically does make sense at this point. It’s too risky for him in the final days. He thinks there’s a natural arc here where she’s peaked and now she’s going to really have to figure out ways to get another point or two, which are declining.” he continued.

The presidential nominees engage in a light satire of their opponent and some self-deprecating humor during the dinner.

“It’s sad, but not surprising, that Kamala has decided not to attend. I don’t know what she has against our Catholic friends, but it must be a lot, because she certainly hasn’t been very nice to them, in fact, Catholics are literally being persecuted by this Administration.” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform.

“Any Catholic that votes for Comrade Kamala Harris should have their head examined. In addition to the Democrats’ Cruel War on The Little Sisters of the Poor, Kamala led the way on the UNCONSCIONABLE and UNCONSTITUTIONAL ATTACKS on The Knights of Columbus that amounted to a RELIGIOUS TEST (Very anti-Catholic!) for Justices on the Supreme Court.” he added.

“Also, who can forget the flagrant, in-your-face ‘TRANSGENDER DAY OF VISIBILITY’ Kamala and Biden hosted at the White House on Easter Sunday (of all days!). Regardless, I will see everyone on October 17th, and we will have a GREAT night for Catholic Charities. It’s sad that Kamala doesn’t care about these good works, but with her History of anti-Catholic actions, she would have a hard time anyway!” he concluded.

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