Kamala Goes After Trump in Acceptance Speech at DNC

[Photo Credit: By Maryland GovPics - Climate Announcement, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=134507547]

On Thursday night, Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly accepted the Democratic nomination for president in Chicago.

She devoted a significant portion of her acceptance speech to the criticism of former President Donald Trump.

She asserted that the election of Trump in November would result in “serious” repercussions and criticized him on a variety of topics, including border security and abortion, during her speech.

“Fellow Americans, this election is not only the most important of our lives, it is one of the most important in the life of our nation. In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man. But the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious,”Harris said.

According to her, Trump’s inaugural term was marked by “chaos and calamity,” and she went on to criticize him for the violence that occurred on January 6.

“Donald Trump tried to throw away your votes. When he failed, he sent an armed mob to the United States capitol where they assaulted law enforcement officers.” she continued.

“Consider what he intends to do if we give him power again. Consider his explicit intent to set free violent extremists who assaulted those law enforcement officers at the capitol. His explicit intent to jail journalists, political opponents, and anyone he sees as the enemy. His explicit intent to deploy our active duty military against our own citizens.” she added.

Harris was elected as the Democratic nominee without receiving a single vote from Democratic primary participants.

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