
Gretchen Whitmer Says She Wants Harris To Promote Illegal Immigration

[Photo Credit: By Julia Pickett - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=86233294]

During a recent interview, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer advocated for the inclusion of policies that provide free handouts to illegal immigrants in her party’s presidential agenda. Whitmer serves as co-chair of the Harris campaign and acted as a major advocate to give her the nomination without a challenge.

Speaking on “Meet The Press,” Whitmer’s comments came in the context of discussing Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, Harris’ vice-presidential running mate, who implemented policies offering various benefits to illegal immigrants in his state.

The Daily Wire writes:

Left-wing host Kristen Welker noted that Walz has given illegal aliens driver’s licenses, the ability to qualify for free tuition at public universities, and the ability to enroll in the state’s free health care program.

“Would you like to see the Harris administration adopt those same policies, Governor?” she asked.

“Well, I could tell you, you know, Tim Walz is a pragmatic guy,” Whitmer responded. “He’s a Midwesterner just like me. And I think some of the wonderful things he’s done in Minnesota resonate with, you know, Americans in all states.”

She added that Walz’s policies were designed to attract illegal aliens because it makes the U.S. a “beacon that people come to.”

Harris has been trying to hide from her record on immigration, running television ads claiming that she will be tough on the border. The 30-second ad touts her work as a prosecutor in which she claims that “as vice president, she backed the toughest border control bill in decades. And as president, she will hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking.”

Of course, no one who has followed her time in office believes that.

The New York Post reported that “Two weeks into President Biden’s term, he handed off a major task to his VP: “Leading the Administration’s diplomatic efforts to address the root causes of migration from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.”

On Harris’ watch, illegal immigration has increased exponentially: More than 10 million inadmissible aliens, along with at least 2 million more known “gotaways,” have entered since she and Biden took office.

Setting aside the millions of taxpayer dollars that already cash-strapped public-school systems must dedicate to these new students — and the fact that Harris’ opposition to school choice would mean that students could be forced to attend these schools — the pure human cost is horrifying.

With Kamala in charge of the border, the United States has encountered an unfathomable 515,000 unaccompanied minors.”

The Post also noted that by the White House’s own estimation, 75 to 80 percent of the children caught at the border are suffering from the trauma of being carried into the United States by smugglers who “routinely engage in physical and sexual abuse.” 

[Read More: Cuomo Shares The Truth About Harris]