Trump Slams Biden, Claims He’s ‘Close to Vegetable Stage’ During Interview With Elon Musk

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore -, CC BY-SA 2.0,]

During a conversation with entrepreneur Elon Musk on Monday, former President Donald Trump stated that President Joe Biden was “close to vegetable stage”.

“Now Biden’s, you know, close to vegetable stage, in my opinion. Okay? I looked at him today on the beach and I said, ‘Why would anybody allow him?’ The guy could barely walk. Why would anybody allow him– Does he have a political adviser that thinks this looks good?” Trump said.

“It looks so bad and it’s ridiculous. I mean, and he’s been doing it for a long time. You know, he can’t lift the chair, the chair weighs about 3 ounces, its meant for children and old people to lift, and he couldn’t lift it.” he continued.

Trump appeared to be referring to footage of Biden sunbathing with First Lady Jill Biden on a Delaware beach over the weekend.

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