‘Fox & Friends’ Hosts Ring Alarm Bells Over Cynical New Kamala Strategy

[Photo Credit: By The White House - V20240801LJ-0486, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=151419118]

The crew of Fox & Friends seemed to be irritated Tuesday morning with the mainstream media’s reports of Vice President Kamala Harris’ allegedly ‘huge’ rally audiences and her campaign’s recent pivot to the political center.

The cast of the show was particularly irritated by what they saw as unfair media treatment of Harris, who has somehow not given an interview or answered substantive press questions since she ostensibly became the Democratic nominee a little over three weeks ago.

Lawrence Jones, who had been running a series of scathing stories about Vice President Harris since even before President Joe Biden stepped out from the nomination, was taken aback by Harris’ apparent popularity among polled Americans and rallygoers. He claimed a lack of messaging was at least partially to blame.

“She doesn’t even have a campaign theme. If you go on a website, there’s no issues, there’s no theme. At least [Barack] Obama had ‘Change you can believe in.’ You know, you have Bill Clinton, that had his thing. You had George W Bush, ‘compassionate conservatism.’ They had something. Well, it’s not even a theme! There’s not even a video. Why am I running? You know, every candidate doesn’t. Why am I running? I want to do this. I want to change this. There’s nothing, you know. There’s no movement!” he said.

“You know what’s so sad? She says what she’s telling the voter is, ‘I don’t need to have a theme. I don’t need to have issues. I don’t need to tell you how I’m voting, people. I’m getting the crowds. People like me and I am. They’re just so grateful that Joe Biden’s not running. They’re going to vote for me no matter what.’” Earhardt asked in response.

“It doesn’t matter if she’s flip-flopped on everything. That’s why the American voter needs to wake up and look at her voting record. You have to look at these issues. What is she going to do to our country? Is she going to make our country better? Is it been better over the last three years since she’s been vice president? No.” she continued.

“In the beginning, when we started doing it, we were shocked. Like what? This is America. We’re a republic. We’re not a socialist, Marxist country. He starts preaching this, and we’re all in shock. She votes more progressive than he does. America needs to wake up this woman who’s getting on stage that everyone is rallying around. Do you know what she stands for?” Earhardt claimed before pivoting back to Harris.

She’s going to be strong on the border. It’s going to crack down on crime. She’s not going to tax on tips. She’s trying to be more MAGA than Donald Trump. That’s what she’s doing because that’s more popular than what she stood for and who she worked for.“ Kilmeade said.

“Well, don’t be surprised if at the conclusion of the DNC next week, she says, and I’m Kamala Harris, and I want to make America great again, right?” Doocy joked in conclusion.

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