Brian Kilmeade Defends Trump Over New Attack on Harris’s Racial Identity

[Photo Credit: By U.S. Department of State from United States - Secretary Pompeo participates in Media interview in NYC, Public Domain,]

On Thursday, Fox & Friends presenter Brian Kilmeade defended former President Donald Trump after he questioned Vice President Kamala Harris’ racial identity.

At the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) in Chicago on Wednesday, Trump  claimed that Harris had misrepresented her race to voters during a heated and hostile back and forth interview with a journalist.

Liberal reporters and pundits have since attempted to denounce the comments as “mix-race baiting.”

As the discussion turned to Trump’s remarks regarding Harris’ race, Kilmeade stepped forward to defend Trump and his remarks which he believes were misrepresented.

“He walked into an extremely hostile environment. She asked the five questions that, I guess, angered her the most about him all at once without even saying hello. It ticked him off, he’s a human being. He said: ‘Okay. This kind of caught me by surprise.’ Also, he couldn’t hear Harris’ questions.” Kilmeade said.

“She was two seats away he goes: ‘I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. You’re only two feet away.’ Adding to the frustration of the whole thing. So, it seems to me, probably, you’re in that situation, you should be briefed ahead of time that you are probably going to walking into a hostile environment. I think it caught him by surprise.” he continued

“I also don’t think that it’s a winning issue to bring up Kamala Harris – Indian, Black, it doesn’t matter. He’s just running against a Democrat. I think the thing is, President Trump is so unaware of race and gender.” Kilmeade added.

“A lot of people say: ‘Wow you don’t talk to women like that. You don’t talk to minorities like that.’ He said ‘I’m running against that person.’ That’s all he sees. And we all know this by now. Not people that know him personally and people that have been in the public who have watched him in the public for the last 8 years [ask]: ‘How can you say that to minority? How can you say that to a woman?’ All he sees is ‘I have to win. I don’t like what that person is saying. I cannot believe they are not here and this is where we are.’” he concluded.

[READ MORE: Harris Faulkner Contradicts Mainstream Narrative, Claims Audience at Black Journalist Conference Were Happy Trump Came]