Trump Once Again Disowns Conservative ‘Project 2025’

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0,]

Former President Trump has once again denounced the ostensibly conservative Project 2025 during a recent Fox News appearance.

Project 2025, a blueprint developed by a right-wing think tank, is a document that delineates a series of conservative policy proposals for a new administration.

On Thursday, the former president attempted to disassociate himself from the conservative blueprint in response to a query from Brian Kilmeade during a phone call to Fox & Friends.

“It’s a group of very, very conservative people. They wrote a document that many of the points are fine. Many of the points are absolutely ridiculous. I have nothing to do with the document. I’ve never seen the document. I’ve seen certain things that are said in it. And it’s a group of very conservative people that probably like me. But it doesn’t matter, because it doesn’t speak for me. They wrote something that I disagree with in many cases, and in some cases you agree.” Trump said.

While Trump has made an effort to distance himself from the initiative, numerous of his most trusted allies are actively engaged in it.

At least 140 individuals who have worked for Trump were involved in Project 2025. This includes six of his former Cabinet secretaries.

Additionally, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), Trump’s running companion, composed an eloquent foreword for Kevin Roberts, the chief architect of Project 2025, who is set to release a book in the near future.

Project 2025 suggests significant conservative revisions to the executive branch, including the reclassification of over 50,000 federal employees as political appointees, which allows for their termination via order from the president, and the dissolution of the departments of education and commerce.

[READ MORE: Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade Slams Critics Over Racism Accusation]