WW2 Vet Gets Incredible Standing Ovation After Pro-Trump RNC Speech

[Photo Credit: By Famartin - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=77738611]

During his speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Wednesday night, a World War II veteran received a standing ovation and expressed his belief that the America he once fought for was still worth fighting for.

A veteran of both the Battle of the Bulge and D-Day, Sgt. William Pekrul told the assembled throng that he had once kissed the ground upon arriving back in the United States and voiced his sadness at what President Joe Biden and his administration had done to the country he loved.

“There aren’t many of us still here, but for us – those of us who are still here, that America is still worth fighting for. It hurts my heart to see what our current president and vice president have done to the country that I love so well.” he said.

He continued by enumerating a number of significant military missteps that Biden had overseen, ranging from the retreat from Afghanistan to the porous southern border.

“America, people say, is an idea. But I believe America is much more than that. America is our home,” he added.

He continued discussing his personal experiences serving his nation, and when he declared that, at the age of 98, he would re-enlist if former President Donald Trump were to be appointed Commander in Chief, he almost brought down the house.

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