Biden Changes DNC Rules To Quash ‘Rebellion’

[Photo Credit: By The White House - P20220701AS-0099-1, Public Domain,]

Terrified of the chaos that could engulf their divided party at the upcoming national convention in Chicago, Democratic leaders have implemented a plan to nominate Joe Biden early.

The president has become determined to quash the “rebellion” that has demanded he step aside, but he will not face in person the third of the party who want him to quit the race.

Axios writes that party leaders intend to hold a virtual roll call so that Biden can run out the clock on his critics.   

Once Biden receives votes from a majority of the nearly 4,000 delegates, it will become exceedingly difficult to remove him from atop the Democratic presidential ticket.

The DNC’s current plan is to train state party chairs next week on how to conduct the electronic voting in a secure way. The window for voting is likely to open on July 29 and conclude by Aug. 5, according to people familiar with the matter.

“We look forward to nominating Joe Biden through a virtual roll call and celebrating with fanfare together in Chicago in August alongside the 99 percent of delegates who are supporting the Biden-Harris ticket,” Jamie Harrison, the chairman of the DNC, told Axios is a statement.

So much for “Defending Democracy.”

The outlet writes that the plan has infuriated some convention delegates. “Behind the scenes, people at the Biden campaign and DNC are working to put in the fix,” Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, a Biden delegate from Maryland, explained to fellow state delegates in an email.

“Put simply, they are trying to shut down the process earlier. We can’t allow it,” she wrote. “I am asking you to ask the DNC to stop pushing for an early vote.”

Rather than admit that they’re worried about an uprising from the left embarrassing the president, the Biden campaign blamed Republicans, according to The Hill.  

“When questioned on why a virtual roll call is still necessary ahead of the convention, Biden principal deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks told reporters in Milwaukee that Ohio Republicans “decided to play games.”

‘We have an obligation to make sure, as we have said, to stand by free and fair elections and make sure that the process runs as smoothly as possible,’ he said. ‘It is our obligation as a campaign to make sure that president Biden is on the ballot, as well as Donald Trump, for anybody who is trying to play those games.’

‘We moved forward, we instituted this before they had a fix, and we’re going to continue on that path because we’re not going to leave it up to them to change the rules again,’ he added.”

In response to the comment, Ohio’s Secretary of State said, “The issue is resolved in Ohio, and Democratic proxies know that and should stop trying to scapegoat Ohio for their own party dysfunction.”

[Read More: Large Portion Of Democrats With Joe Would Go Away]