CNN Host Kasie Hunt Cuts Off Trump Spokesperson After She Raised Uncomfortable Question

[Photo Credit: By MSNBC, CC BY 3.0,]

CNN anchor Kasie Hunt cut off an interview with a prominent spokesperson for former President Donald Trump’s campaign on Monday after repeatedly attacking two CNN anchors who are scheduled to present this week’s presidential debate.

“President Trump knows what he wants to say, and he’s going to relay his vision to the American people to make this country strong, safe, secure and wealthy again. He’s been doing that across this great nation to all corners of this country,” Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt remarked.

“And that’s why President Trump is knowingly going into a hostile environment on this very network, on CNN, with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well known over the past eight years and their biased coverage of him.”

Hunt pushed back on Leavitt’s comments regarding CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, who will host the network’s Thursday debate in Atlanta.

“So I’ll just say, my colleagues, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash have acquitted themselves as professionals as they have covered campaigns and interviewed candidates from all sides of the aisle. I’ll also say that if you talk to analysts of debates, previous, that if you’re attacking the moderators, you’re usually losing.” Hunt remarked.

Hunt then asked Leavitt what Trump’s team wants from Biden during the debate, but the former president’s spokesperson slammed Tapper again.

However, Leavitt again mentioned Tapper, afterwhich point Hunt responded: “ma’am, we’re going to stop this interview if you’re going to keep attacking my colleagues.”

As Leavitt proceeded, Hunt asked the CNN control room to cut the camera feed of Leavitt before returning to a panel discussion about the impending debate.

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