Mexican President Tries To Save Biden

[Office of the President of the United States, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

As Joe Biden continues to suffer the political consequences of his open borders policy that has seen illegal immigration double during his tenure in the White House, he’s now seeking help from a leftwing ally in hopes that Americans forget his record.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has dramatically increased apprehensions of America-bound migrants.

The Daily Caller writes that the liberal leader of Mexico has likely realized he’s better off having a kindred spirit in the White House for the next four years and is willing to trade six months of immigration enforcement if it means he can help Biden.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has overseen an unprecedented level of migrant apprehensions in the 2024 calendar year which has, in turn, led to a decrease in migrant encounters for U.S. federal immigration authorities. The drop in migrant flow has helped ease a major headache for Biden as he’s faced poor polling on the migration issue, but questions remain whether the will to crack down on illegal immigration by Mexican leaders will remain after the U.S. election.

There were slightly less than 180,000 migrant encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border in the month of April, marking a light drop in encounters from the month before and the lowest rate of April encounters since 2021, according to the latest monthly data provided by Customs and Border Protection. May’s numbers are expected to be released in the coming days.

The decline in migrant numbers seen by American immigration authorities has mostly coincided with what’s been a substantial increase in immigration enforcement by their Mexican counterparts.

For the fourth month in a row, Mexico’s Migration Policy Unit encountered about 120,000 migrants, according to data compiled by the Washington Office on Latin America, a nonpartisan research and advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C. Roughly one year ago, Mexican officials had never reported apprehending or encountering over 52,201 migrants in a single month.

Between January and April, Mexico reportedly encountered or stopped roughly 481,000 migrants, a 231% increase over the same period last year. This significant rise highlights the escalating migration challenges facing the country and the region.

One wonders if Biden, like his predecessor Obama with Russia, told the Mexican leader that he’ll have “a little more breathing room after the election.”

The assist from Mexico comes as a new report has revealed that Bidenomics has been a boon for the undocumented. “Around half of U.S. jobs growth this year has likely come from undocumented immigrants, which may suggest that the labor market is not as strong as thought, according to analysts at Standard Chartered Bank NY Branch,” according to an article by New Conservative Post.

In January 2023, NPR reported that Biden and Obrador have “common cause” when it comes to illegal immigration to the United States.

“You are the first president of the United States in a very long time who has not built even one meter of wall. We thank you for that, sir,” said López Obrador, lauding Biden as “a man with conviction” at the end of the North American Leaders’ Summit.

The rest of the year was the worst year for illegal immigration in American history. “In FY23, CBP recorded more than 2.4 million encounters at the Southwest border and more than 3.2 million encounters nationwide. Just this fiscal year, 169 individuals on the terrorist watchlist were apprehended attempting to enter the country illegally, and at least 1.7 million known gotaways have evaded apprehension since FY2021,” noted the House Homeland Security Committee at the end of the year.

Border Patrol has said that encounters at Southwest border ports of entry in April 2024 grew nearly 100 percent compared to April 2021. 

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