Jen Psaki Forced to Cut Passage From Book After Being Caught in Lie About Biden

[Photo Credit: By U.S. Department of State -, Public Domain,]

Jen Psaki, the former White House Press Secretary, has now reportedly been forced to edit her latest book, which falsely asserted that President Joe Biden never checked his watch during a ceremony honoring soldiers who perished during the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan in 2021.

On Thursday, The Daily Mail reported that Psaki, who is currently a host on MSNBC, had omitted 150 words from “Say More: Lessons from Work, the White House, and the World” after Axios initially disclosed that she had rewritten history and would be implementing a correction two weeks ago.

Psaki stated in the initial edition of the book, which was released on May 7, that the president examined his watch only after the ceremony had concluded. He and the First Lady allegedly headed toward their car a few moments later.

In spite of photo evidence, media fact-checks, and statements made by Gold Star parents of a U.S. service member slain in the Kabul airport attack who were present at the ceremony at Dover Air Force Base, Psaki denied that Biden checked his watch.

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