
CNN Data Analyst Admits Trial Has Not Effected Trump’s Polling Numbers

[Photo Credit: By Billy Hathorn - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16587144]

This week, CNN’s principal data analyst stated that the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump has not altered the opinions of voters regarding the former president.

Harry Enten reported that the percentage of voters who believe that Trump may have committed an illegal act has remained constant as the trial concludes, while the percentage of Americans who believe the charges are severe has decreased from 40% to 35%.

“Perhaps things might have changed with those 12 jurors, but when it comes to the larger American public, there has been no change, at least so far,” Enten remarked.

“Well, folks like you and me, real news junkies might be paying really close attention to what is going on,” he continued.

When questioned as to why there has been no change, he responded that the case is not a significant concern to the majority of Americans, as they are preoccupied with much more significant issues in their personal lives.

According to him, the number of Americans who are following the news regarding the economy and inflation is 65%, immigration is 52%, election legitimacy is 49%, and abortion is 47%.

“When we are looking at these numbers, what we see is Americans’ minds aren’t changing and a big reason why Americans’ minds aren’t changing is at this particular point, they are tuned out of the conversation,” he added.

In contrast, the number of Americans who are following the news regarding Trump’s court cases is only 42%.

He also stated that Trump’s pre-trial polling lead over Biden, which CNN reports was +1 point, will remain unchanged as the trial concludes.

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