Majority of Dems Vote Against Preventing Illegal Migrants From Voting in Washington D.C.

[Photo Credit: By Kevin McCoy, CC BY-SA 2.0,]

The prohibition of unlawful immigrants from voting in municipal elections in Washington, D.C. was reportedly opposed by the majority of House Democrats.

Representative August Pfluger (R-TX) introduced a measure that would protect Washington D.C.’s municipal elections by prohibiting non-citizens, such as illegal immigrants, from voting.

However, more than 140 House Democrats voted against the bill.

The bill was approved by the House by a vote of 262-143, with all Republican House members and 52 Democratic members voting in favor.

“Free and fair elections are a prerequisite for a healthy republic. The radical D.C. Council decision to allow noncitizens — including illegal aliens and foreign agents — to vote in elections dilutes the voting power of the citizen voter. My legislation restores the sanctity of the voting process and ensures that only American citizens are voting in our Nation’s capital.” Rep. Fluger said regarding the bill he brought before the House.

After the Washington D.C. City Council approved a proposal in 2022 to permit foreign nationals, including illegal immigrants, to vote in D.C.’s municipal elections, provided that they had resided in the district for a minimum of 30 days, the bill was introduced.

There is a concerted effort to enable illegal immigrants to vote in the neighboring city of San Jose, California, and they are already able to vote in school board elections in San Francisco.

Noncitizens and, in numerous instances, unlawful immigrants, have been permitted to vote in elections by municipalities in Vermont and Maryland.

The Democrat incumbent has presided over an unprecedented border crisis, with officials recording over 9.5 million nationwide encounters and 1.7 million estimated illegal immigrant gotaways since the Democrat assumed office.

Under the Trump administration, there were a total of 445,000 reported gotaways in 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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