Nikki Haley Stuns Her Never Trump Fans by Announcing She’s Voting for Trump

[South Carolina Governor Nikki R. Haley, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

During her first public appearance since withdrawing from the Republican primary, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley declared her support for Donald Trump in the upcoming November election.

Haley had questioned Trump’s mental fitness to be President in the past, and Trump had returned the favor, repeated insulting her during the early stages of the GOP primary.

Nevertheless, Haley informed the audience at the Hudson Institute in Washington on Wednesday that she would be voting for her formal rival, because of Biden’s disastrous presidency.

“Trump has not been perfect on these policies. I’ve made that clear many, many times. But Biden has been a catastrophe.” she remarked.

She urged Trump to engage with the moderate Republicans and conservatives who supported her during the primary in order to more effectively unite the party this November.

“I will be voting for Trump. Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech. Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me.” Haley stated.

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