Former NBA Star Charles Barkley Threatens to Punch Out Black Trump Supporters

[Photo Credit: By Gallery 2 Images - Flickr: Charles Barkley '08, CC BY-SA 2.0,]

This past week, legendary NBA player Charles Barkley threatened to strike black Trump fans in the face if he saw them “walking around with a Trump mugshot.”

The startling comments were made by Barkley in response to comments made by former President Donald Trump regarding the growing support that Black Americans are showing for him, even going so far as to wear his picture on t-shirts, on his new CNN program with Gayle King.

Trump continued by saying that he is the target of discrimination, according to some of his black fans.

Barkley let out a deep sigh as King screened the Trump quote in question.

“First of all, I’m just gonna say this: If I see a black person walking around with a Trump mugshot, I’m gonna punch him in the face,” Barkley said.

“You don’t mean that.” King said in response.

“Oh, I mean that sincerely,” Barkley remarked, who then went on to add that if he’s charged for assault, he would then bail himself out “and go celebrate.”

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