Biden Launches Into Unhinged Anti-Trump Rant During ‘Late Night’ Appearance

[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

President Joe Biden passionately addressed NBC host Seth Meyers’ questions regarding former President Donald Trump’s comments and the potential threats to democracy in the upcoming election in a rambling and at time incoherent response.

During Tuesday night’s episode of NBC’s Late Night with Seth Meyers, Biden made an appearance to celebrate the anniversary of Meyer’s stint hosting the show.

Meyers then proceeded to provoke a strong reaction by questioning Biden about a comment Trump’s made about potentially becoming a dictator, if only for a day.

“He talks about how he wants to be a dictator in day one, but only day one. You are someone who has dealt with dictators over the years. It does seem as though democracy in vague terms somehow is not easy for us to grasp. Having dealt with dictators. What do you see in a world where democracy is actually at risk in the way, it might be in this election?” Meyers asked

“The first thing they do, dictators do, is they disregard whatever the rule of law is. They just disregard it. Here’s a guy who says he wants to–. He thinks he can change the Constitution and ignore it. Just ignore portions of the Constitution!” Biden said in a somewhat rambling response.

“Here’s the guy who talks about retribution. Here’s the guy–. Look, you have the guys, the thousands of people who stormed the Capitol, stormed the Capitol! They’re insurrectionists. Two cops died. Other people were badly hurt. And what did he say? They got convicted, and/or they pled guilty. And he said they’re patriots? God! Patriots?” he continued.

“And he says he’s going to forgive them all. He’s going to. And you’re going to, every one of them is going to be released? What is? I mean that that’s what happens in Eastern European countries. That’s not what happens in America!” the President added.

“And the idea that he thinks he can do that. The idea he talks about things like, for example, the idea that he said the Congress wants to pass an overwhelmingly, a border provision that would allow us to control the border. First bill ever introduced to call for that. And here they’re saying he’s saying now don’t do that because they’ll help Biden help Biden. It’s about not about Biden is about the United States of America. And look, it’s just–. (pauses) I don’t want to get started. (applause) I really don’t.” Biden concluded.

[READ MORE: Freedom Caucus Chair Demands Biden’s SOTU Address be Canceled]