Sen. Bill Hagerty Introduces Bill to Finally Halt Counting of Illegals for Electoral College

[Photo Credit: By U.S. Department of State from United States - Secretary Pompeo Attends President Trump's G-20 Press Conference, Public Domain,]

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-Tennessee) and a group of Republican senators introduced a bill on Thursday that would prohibit the inclusion of unauthorized immigrants in the Electoral College or congressional district population counts.

The proposed legislation, known as the “Equal Representation Act,” would mandate that the Census Bureau inquire about citizenship in order to allocate Electoral College ballots exclusively on the basis of U.S. citizens residing within the state.

“It is unconscionable that illegal immigrants and non-citizens are counted toward congressional district apportionment and our electoral map. While people continue to flee Democrat-run cities, desperate Democrats are back-filling the mass exodus with illegal immigrants so that they do not lose their seats in Congress or their electoral votes for the presidency, hence artificially boosting their political power and in turn diluting the power of other Americans’ votes,” Hagerty said.

Former President Donald Trump’s effort to include the question in the 2020 census was thwarted by a deluge of lawsuits filed by left-leaning organizations.

As per a preliminary version of the legislation, the bill would mandate the inclusion of a citizenship inquiry in the decennial census and establish a system wherein the designation of representatives in a state is determined by the number of citizens residing therein, rather than the overall population.

Amidst the administration of President Joe Biden, an unprecedented influx of unauthorized immigrants has traversed the southern frontier, prompting the introduction of this legislation.

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