New California Law to Allow Kids to be Taken From Their Parents Without Evidence of Abuse

[Photo Credit: By Casa Rosada (Argentina Presidency of the Nation), CC BY 2.5 ar,]

A bill signed into law by California’s Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, would allow children to be removed from their parents and deposited in shelters without proof of child abuse.

Assembly Bill (AB) 665 also permits minors 12 years of age and older to consent to “mental health treatment” and placement in a “residential shelter” without parental consent in certain circumstances. In a letter to the California State Assembly dated October 7, Newsom declared he would sign the bill.

“This bill would align the existing laws by removing the additional requirement that, in order to consent to mental health treatment or counseling on an outpatient basis, or to residential shelter services, the minor must present a danger of serious physical or mental harm to themselves or to others, or be the alleged victim of incest or child abuse,” the text of the bill reads.

“This bill would also align the existing laws by requiring the professional person treating or counseling the minor to consult with the minor before determining whether involvement of the minor’s parent or guardian would be inappropriate,” it continues.


The measure identifies “LGBTQ+ youth” as a population at risk for depression or anxiety if their parents do not consent to mental health services.

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