
Conservative Star Ann Coulter Predicts Trump Won’t Win GOP Nomination

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - Ann Coulter, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=88217239]

Former President Trump won’t be the Republican contender for president in 2024, according to new comments made by  conservative commentator Ann Coulter.

“I don’t think Trump will be the nominee, but you’d really do the country a solid if you could get Democrats to stop indicting him,” Coulter said.

“Trump can barely speak English. He’s a gigantic baby. The only reason he crushed in 2016 is because of immigration — the wall, deport illegal immigrants, the travel ban (which imposed limits on travel from several predominantly Muslim countries). That is DeSantis this time — without the total lack of interest in carrying it out.” she continued.

A former Trump supporter herself, Coulter has since been outspoken in her criticism of the former president.

She called Trump “done” at the beginning of the year amid rumors that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis might launch a GOP primary campaign.

DeSantis officially began his campaign in late May, but he has had trouble gaining traction against Trump, who continues to dominate the GOP field in surveys and skipped the first debate on Wednesday night.

“If Trump gets the nomination, I say he will lose. I know it, you know it, the American people know it (to paraphrase Bob Dole).” Coulter concluded.

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