Secret Service Officially Confirms that Cocaine was Found in White House

[Photo Credit: By U.S. Customs and Border Protection - 210120-H-LE976-022, Public Domain,]

Officials have reportedly determined that the white powdery substance that was found in the West Wing of the White House on Sunday night is, in fact, cocaine.

The chemical, which early tests suggested was cocaine, has been verified to be the illegal drug following subsequent testing, according to ABC News’ story citing a U.S. Secret Service spokesman.

The finding led to widespread speculation that the cocaine may have belonged to President Joe Biden’s troublesome son Hunter Biden, who has previously struggled with cocaine and crack addiction and had lately been spotted in the White House.

Officials remained mum over whether the younger Biden is being investigated in connection with the discovery.

A temporary evacuation resulted from the finding in the West Wing, which houses the Oval Office and other workspaces for presidential advisers and personnel.

During a regular examination, Secret Service personnel discovered the strange substance in a location that is open to tour groups.

At the time, Camp David in Maryland was where President Joe Biden and his family were staying.

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