Conservative Star Steven Crowder Announces Divorce From Wife

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore - Flickr: Steven Crowder, CC BY-SA 2.0,]

On Tuesday, conservative comedian Steven Crowder reportedly made the announcement that he was divorcing his wife.

On a podcast broadcast titled “Louder With Crowder,” Steven Crowder announced that he and his wife Hilary Korzon will soon be divorcing.

Crowder said that his wife filed for divorce in 2021 and that neither physical violence nor adultery were factors in the decision. Their marriage dates back to 2012.

Crowder emphasized how terrible the event had been for him.

Steven Crowder is an American-Canadian and has been a longtime political commentator.

He has also contributed to Fox News in the past.

Crowder is most known for his recurrent section on his podcast called ‘Change My Mind,’ as well as his larger YouTube channel, where he has 6 million subscribers.

The commentator’s net worth is reportedly $20 million.

According to reports, the earnings from his YouTube channel’s ads and views amounts to $80,000 each month.

Several other people, according to the podcast host, were aware of the divorce. He said that some individuals saw this information as a threat.

For the sake of his children, Crowder stated that he wishes to keep the divorce a private matter.

“In all this, one thing I wanna be really clear about is certain. True north here is that my children are blameless, completely without fault, and so we decided to resolve these issues privately as it’s in their best interest both emotionally and physically to do so,” Crowded declared.

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