Youngkin Vetoes Unhinged Bill From Democrats Seeking to Jail Pro-Lifers

[Photo Credit: By Virginia Office of the Governor -, CC BY 2.0,]

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin reportedly recently vetoed a Democrat-sponsored bill that aimed to restrict the activities of pro-life advocates outside abortion facilities.

Critics, including Youngkin, argued that the legislation would infringe upon free speech rights and could lead to peaceful pro-life protesters being jailed for merely holding signs.

In his veto message, the Republican governor described the bill, known as SB 1324, as an unconstitutional measure that imposed unreasonable penalties for acts deemed as “impeding” access to abortion providers.

He emphasized that the legislation represented a significant restriction on the constitutionally protected right to free speech, stating, “This legislation creates new criminal penalties for what one might say or where they stand when they say it.”

The proposed law would have enforced penalties on individuals obstructing, hindering, or blocking others from entering or exiting healthcare facilities.

It also included provisions preventing anyone from approaching another individual within eight feet unless consent was given, which critics highlighted would severely limit the ability of pro-life sidewalk counselors to communicate with women approaching abortion clinics.

The bill passed along party lines in both the House of Delegates and the Senate, raising concerns among pro-life advocates who viewed it as a deliberate attempt to stifle their voices and limit access to alternative support for women contemplating abortion.

Supporters of the bill argued it was necessary to ensure access to abortion services, but Youngkin’s veto reinforces his stance on upholding free speech rights.

Alongside this veto, the governor also rejected other Democrat-backed proposals, including measures related to gun control and green energy initiatives, further solidifying his conservative agenda in Virginia.

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