The Associated Press (AP) has now reportedly filed a lawsuit against three members of the Trump administration—White House Chief of Staff Susan
An executive order was reportedly signed by President Trump on Friday to establish a new White House Faith Office. This was done
According to persons familiar with the situation, the White House is now reportedly drafting an executive order that will soon terminate thousands
The series of drones that mystified America for months over the skies of New Jersey have now been identified by the White
President Donald Trump has unveiled a new redesign of the Oval Office, blending historic elements with personal touches that reflect both his
As preparations intensify for the return of Donald Trump, the White House residence staff has already begun putting things back in order
Following a year marked by significant political change, the White House is embracing the holiday season with a message of unity and
As Donald Trump prepares for a potential return to the presidency, Natalie Harp has emerged as a pivotal but controversial figure in
Donald Trump is not afraid to put women in a powerful position. In a historic appointment, President-elect Donald Trump has named Susie
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) criticized the absence of arrests in connection with the violent protest that took place near the White