Former President Donald Trump has now reportedly returned to the social media giant Facebook more than two years after having been kicked
Florida governor Ron DeSantis is reportedly said to have confided in close associates that he plans to make a run for the
A judge reportedly issued a public censure against Jenna Ellis on Wednesday, a lawyer who previously represented former President Trump, after she
According to a brand new poll from Emerson College, former President Trump decisively outpaces Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in a possible Republican
During the last 11 months, an unknown entity has now reportedly built many thousands of false, automated Twitter accounts to promote Donald
According to a new survey, California Republican voters prefer Florida Governor Ron DeSantis above former President Donald Trump in the GOP race
According to a recent national survey, Democrats and Democratic-leaning independent voters are reportedly increasingly supportive of President Biden as their party’s nominee
Former President Trump reportedly blasted the Biden administration’s response to a railway mishap that spilled dangerous chemicals in an Ohio community as
On Sunday night, following her Super Bowl performance, President Trump reportedly escalated his criticism on superstar singer Rihanna. Rihanna sang a number
Former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller reportedly argues in his new memoir, “Soldier Secretary,” that the Pentagon’s budget should be slashed in