The Trump administration is reportedly planning major cuts to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), aiming to reduce its workforce by
The Associated Press (AP) has now reportedly filed a lawsuit against three members of the Trump administration—White House Chief of Staff Susan
On Thursday, President Trump reportedly announced that he plans to travel to Fort Knox, which is located in Kentucky, in order to
In a statement made on Thursday, President Donald Trump reportedly announced the establishment of the National Garden of American Heroes. This garden
President Trump is now reportedly contemplating the imposition of a 25 percent tariff on international timber and wood products in order to
In an effort to combat severe homelessness and crack down on criminal activity, President Donald Trump reportedly said on Wednesday that the
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump reportedly made the announcement that the hefty congestion toll in New York City that was in place
During an interview on Tuesday, President Trump reportedly criticized various media outlets that have been too hyper critical of him. He even
On Tuesday evening, President Donald Trump reportedly made the announcement that he had ordered the immediate dismissal of every single United States
According to Elon Musk, who has now given an interview that will be shown in its entirety on Tuesday evening, his initial