Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) expressed indifference towards the potential turnover in the Speaker’s office as she advocates for the ousting of
While some Democrats are desperate to keep Donald Trump off the November ballot by hook or by crook, it appears that someone
A significant ruling was made by the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday, which could have implications for the swing
Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell reportedly intends on stepping down from his leadership position this November. WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitch McConnell will
Ben Shapiro of The Daily Wire criticized the “incoherence and incompetence” of House Republicans on his program on Thursday, threatening that their
Senate Republicans are now reportedly planning on obstructing a procedural motion to initiate debate on a bipartisan border security agreement this week,
On Thursday, the Oregon Supreme Court has now handed down a decision prohibiting ten Republican state senators from running for reelection. Their
In South Carolina, former ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has accused Donald Trump of playing dirty tricks. Campaigning in her
Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson has now officially dropped out of the GOP primary after finishing dead last in the Iowa Caucus.
Wednesday, Chris Sununu (R), the governor of New Hampshire, declared his endorsement of Donald Trump the Republican presidential nominee in 2024, notwithstanding