With Joe Biden’s re-election reeling in the wake of being declared too incompetent to be convicted of a crime by his own
Yesterday was a very good day for Trump 2024. Special Counsel Robert Hur released his report that offered seven words that should end
Nikki Haley received a dose of reality in Nevada last night. The former ambassador to the United Nations was a heavy favorite
The President of the United States does not have the ability to commit any crimes he wants while in office, according to
According to new reports, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley had a huge fundraising effort in January as she remains the last Republican
The rumors that staff are really in charge of the White House are only going to increase after Joe Biden turned down
It’s not a state secret that Joe Biden dislikes his predecessor. The current president has long been obsessed with stopping another Trump
In 1993, Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau stared as feuding neighbors in a small town in the movie Grumpy Old Men. The plot
Donald Trump is again looking for a new lawyer after taking a huge loss in the defamation case against him launched by
In South Carolina, former ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has accused Donald Trump of playing dirty tricks. Campaigning in her