According to new reports, President Donald Trump issued a new executive order on Thursday, instructing the federal government to terminate all paid news subscriptions for employees working in the executive branch and agency offices. Axios was able to obtain an email that stated that
Read MoreBy: Mary Margaret Olohan Originally appeared on The Daily Signal Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is teaming up with a young woman who
Originally appeared on Daily Signal. By: Adam Kissel Probably the most common legal argument against the Biden administration’s student loan bailout
Monica Medina, the wife of White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, has now been named America’s first Special Envoy for ‘Biodiversity
According to persons familiar with the situation, White House officials are beginning to discreetly plann for Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s likely resignation
The Eastern District of Pennsylvania’s US Attorney’s Office stated Tuesday that a former Democratic Pennsylvania lawmaker has now received a 30-month jail
During his first mayoral campaign in 2005, John Fetterman reportedly utilized the slogan “Vote John Mayor of Braddocc,” a play on the
A Democratic Senate candidate who has collected millions of dollars in his effort to replace Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley (Iowa) was accused
A young Democratic staffer was gunned down in cold blood on Thursday in Philadelphia for apparently no reason, and the vicious attack
The New Orleans Police Department is reportedly now trying to recruit between 50 to 75 civilians in order to try and fix
On Saturday, Tucker Carlson, the right-wing Fox News personality, appeared at the funeral of Ralph “Sonny” Barger, the long-time president of the