MSNBC Warns Democrats About Pennsylvania

[Benjamin Chelnitsky, CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons]

MSNBC has some bad news for Kamala Harris. The liberal news station’s national political reporter, Steve Kornacki, cautioned Democrats over the weekend that they are losing the edge in voter registration and support among Hispanic voters in the most important state this year.

Pennsylvania is moving toward the Republicans in the wake of Nancy Pelosi taking out Joe Biden and replacing him with Kamala Harris.

The Daily Caller writes:

“If Trump gets Georgia, where he leads in the point average by a point and a half — if he gets North Carolina where he’s literally tied in the polls right now and where Trump won in 2020 — the only one of these battleground states Trump carried four years ago,” Kornacki said. “Then all Trump would need, on top of Georgia and North Carolina, would be Pennsylvania where Harris does have a small lead in the averages now. But Trump getting those three would get him to 270. So that’s the important for him and for Democrats the importance for blocking that path for Trump in Pennsylvania.”

The NBC reporter highlighted that Pennsylvania registration for Democrats has been cut “in two-thirds” since 2016, before discussing the major counties where Democrats need to perform well to win the state.

“You’re looking at party registration in Pennsylvania, and look at this: When Donald Trump first came on the scene, back in 2016, the democratic advantage and party registration in Pennsylvania was over 900,000 votes [in] 2020. Look now, in 2024, that’s been cut in two-thirds there, down to 330,000. There’s been a little bit of a boost for Democrats since Kamala Harris took over in registration, but the big picture trend has been more competitive for Republicans in party registration,” Kornacki explained.

“Believe it or not in the Trump era, there are only 10 counties in the entire state where Democrats performed better now than they did before Trump came along. However, some of these counties are very big. Focus on these four collar counties right outside Philadelphia, Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, Bucks  — more than a fifth of the vote statewide will come out of there,” Kornacki continued.

Kamala’s backing of radical environmental policies have been hurting her in swing states. During a town hall in 2019, then Senator Harris said that she was in favor of banning fracking in Pennsylvania.

The Washington Post wrote over the summer that “many of the swing voters here whose livelihoods rise and fall with the fortunes of the fossil energy industry have not forgotten the last time Harris ran for president, when she called for a ban on fracking — extracting natural gas by creating cracks in the Earth’s bedrock. It is a position she now disavows. Even the boom in oil and gas production under the Biden-Harris administration is failing to assuage anxieties that the halcyon days of fracking for natural gas here would fade if Harris wins the White House.”

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