REPORT: Vast Majority of Violent Crime Committed By Illegal Immigrants in Manhattan

[Photo Credit: By Anthony Quintano - Flickr, CC BY 2.0,]

In Midtown Manhattan, three out of every four individuals arrested for offenses such as assault, domestic violence, and robbery are suspected of being in the United States illegally.

According to the New York Post the New York Police Department officers are at a disadvantage when they arrest suspected illegal immigrants due to the “sanctuary city” laws of the Big Apple, which prohibit cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

According to police sources in Queens, over 60% of those apprehended for assault, domestic violence, and robbery are suspected to be illegal immigrants.

Last week, Eric Adams, the Democratic mayor of New York City, defended the city’s acceptance of tens of thousands of unlawful immigrants and asserted that the city council is responsible for revising “sanctuary city” laws.

An illegal immigrant was apprehended in June for allegedly raping and binding up a 13-year-old girl in a Queens park in broad daylight.

Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, 25, was apprehended after a group of Good Samaritans recognized him from posters and restrained him until the police arrived.

Approximately 210,000 illegal immigrants have arrived in New York City since the spring of 2022. It is anticipated that the city will incur a $10 billion expenditure over the course of three years as a result of the migration crisis.

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