Illegal Immigrant Charged in Shocking New Shooting Alabama

[By Tony Webster from Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States - Police Line Do Not Cross, CC BY 2.0,]

An illegal immigrant has now reportedly been charged in a shooting in Alabama, as the nation is currently grappling with an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis.

Alberto Martinez-Fidel, an illegal immigrant and Mexican national, was accused with the non-lethal shooting of a man in Montgomery, Alabama.

Martinez-Fidel was charged with first-degree assault for allegedly shooting a man with a handgun at close range, causing him to be wounded after striking the alleged victim in the back and buttocks. Martinez-Fidel’s collateral was established at $30,000.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has verified in a statement that Martinez-Fidel is a Mexican national who is unlawfully present in the United States.

Martinez-Fidel’s detention coincides with an increase in criminal activity among illegal immigrants in the United States.

After the tragic death of Laken Riley, a Georgia nursing student, who was allegedly murdered by a 26-year-old Venezuelan national named Jose Ibarra, concerns regarding these crimes reached a fever peak earlier this year.

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