JD Vance Claims Democrat Anti-Semitism to Blame for Harris Not Picking Shapiro for VP Slot

[Photo Credit: By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America - J. D. Vance, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=149633314]

Just before news of Vice-President Kamala Harris’s decision to pick Minnesota Governor Tim Walz broke, Republican Vice-Presidential nominee JD Vance took aim at the Democratic campaign for alleged anti-semitism.

Vance’s claim comes as Harris snubbed Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, a jewish man who had previously spoken out strongly in favor of Israel and had previously served in the IDF.

Vance made the claim during a recent appearance on the Hugh Hewitt show.

“We expect a running mate to be announced by Vice President Harris today. If it’s not Josh Shapiro, I will be stunned. But if it isn’t Josh Shapiro, if they pick Tim Walz, who makes Tim Kaine seem like Justin Timberlake, he’s really the most boring man in America. If it’s not Josh Shapiro, and that’s because he’ll be Jewish and because he is a supporter of Israel. What does that tell you about the Democratic Party if it’s not Josh Shapiro?” Hewitt asked.

“Well, look, if it’s not, Josh Shapiro, I agree with you. I think that they will have not picked Shapiro, frankly, out of anti-Semitism in their own caucus and in their own party. I think it’s disgraceful that the Democrats have gotten to this point where it’s even an open conversation, and it is an open conversation,” Vance said.

“I mean, even if it is Josh Shapiro, the guy has, in some ways, had to run away from a lot of his biography over the last few months because the far left doesn’t like the fact that he is a Jewish American. So, look, we have to be honest about this fact. We have to call it out.” he continued.

[READ MORE: Kamala Harris Chooses Tim Walz As Her Running Mate]