New Poll Shows Almost One Half of Dems Think Biden No Longer Mentally Fit

[Photo Credit: By The White House - P20220602CS-0134, Public Domain,]

According to a recent study, nearly half of Democrats believe that President Joe Biden is not psychologically capable of leading the country.

According to a survey conducted by the Associated Press and NORC at the University of Chicago, Democrats are becoming more and more concerned about Biden’s mental health.

Following the first presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Joe Biden, analysts from all political persuasions concurred that the occasion was a calamity for the incumbent Democrat.

The poll results show a significant change from late February, when only 32% of Democrats expressed doubt about the Democrat incumbent’s mental health.

Since February, when it stood at 40 percent, the percentage of those who say they are extremely confident in Biden’s mental fitness has decreased by 13 percent.

Additionally, according to the poll, 65 percent of Democrats believe that Biden ought to get out of the race in order to create room for a different nominee.

Seventy percent of Americans across all political stripes believe Joe Biden ought to step down.

Independents are even more likely to agree, with 77 percent saying that the incumbent Democrat should drop out of the election.

The release of the public opinion survey coincides with Biden stance over the prospect of withdrawing from the presidential contest reportedly beginning to soften significantly.

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