New Poll Shows Trump With 3 Point Lead Over Biden

[Photo Credit: By The White House - P20210604AS-0336, Public Domain,]
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A recent nationwide poll indicated that former President Trump leads President Biden by three points.

According to the most recent Emerson College survey, which was issued on Tuesday, Trump had 46 percent of registered voters’ support, compared to 43 percent for Biden.

Additionally, 11% of those surveyed said they were unsure. When asked which candidate they were leaning toward, undecided voters were split evenly, with half selecting Biden and the other half preferring Trump.

When third-party candidates were included in the options, 44% of respondents said they supported Trump, 40% said they supported Biden, and 6% selected independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Additionally, 1% of respondents supported Green Party candidate Jill Stein and 1% supported Cornel West, who is also running an independent campaign.

The survey was carried out following the first presidential debate, which raised questions inside the Democratic Party about Biden’s suitability to defeat Trump.

The president has insisted that he will not be leaving the campaign, despite calls from some Democrats for Biden to remove himself from the ticket.

Additionally, in hypothetical head-to-head comparisons, Trump tops Vice President Harris and other possible Biden successors, according to the poll. With 49 percent of the vote, he leads Harris, who has 43 percent.

In a fictitious contest against Trump, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) received 42% of the vote, while the former president received 48%. To Trump’s 48%, California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) earned 40% of the vote.

1,370 registered voters participated in the poll, which was conducted on July 7-8. The error margin is within +/- 2.6 percentage points.

[READ MORE: Dem Congresswoman Calls For Biden To Resign]

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